Follow in the Footsteps of the Holy Family at This Majestic Minya Site
As part of their plan to highlight the historical importance of the Holy Family's trail through Egypt, the ministry is fully equipping sites like these with infrastructure and hospitality services.

Over the years the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has been renovating the Holy Family Trail, the path said to have been followed by Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Joseph as they sought refuge across Egypt. Most recently, the ministry has completed the restoration and development of Jabal al Tair Monastery in Minya, and will be officially opened to visitors.
Jabal al Tair Monastery is home to The Church of the Virgin Mary, which was built in 328 AD. The monastery sits on a cliff overlooking Minya’s verdant farmland, and lies just five kilometres from the Nile.
As part of their plan to highlight the historical and religious importance of the trail, the ministry is fully equipping each of the sites with infrastructure and hospitality services. The Holy Family’s journey lasted almost three years and a half, and passed through eleven governorates.
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has allocated EGP 60 million to the large-scale project, with a mission to widen the scope of Egypt’s touristic locations, and bringing Egypt’s unique religious and spiritual heritage to light.